For those readers who know me well,
you know how hard it is for me to refrain from writing a blatantly political
post. Well I can’t wait any longer. We need a Nixon to China moment
in Latin American and there is no place better than right here in Nicaragua.
What is a Nixon to China moment?
It occurred when President Nixon, a Republican who made his career as a staunch
anticommunist, surprised everyone and met with Chairman Mao and started the
normalization of relations between the two countries. This only worked
because Nixon had the credibility as an anticommunist.
So what is up in Central and South America?
In one word, it is the Chinese. They seem to be everywhere. They
are buying access to vast quantities of natural resources. More
importantly they are making investments in the Central and South American
countries. Nowhere is this more prevalent than Nicaragua, where they are
developing and supposedly building a new canal that will be bigger than the
Panama Canal. They have a real sweet heart deal with Daniel Ortega and
the Nica government.
It was not that long ago that we had
the Monroe doctrine that declared the America's off limit to the other world
powers. Frankly, our execution of this policy probably did more damage
than good. We invaded and occupied countries like Nicaragua, and meddled
in governments throughout the region. However, the intent is valid. The US should strive to have strong realtions
with all countries in the America’s, not as colonies but as economic partners.
I am surprised by how much the local
populace is willing to let by gones be by gones. They respect the US and
identify with us as fellow Americans, as in the continent(s) of the
Americas. Our culture is everywhere. Baseball is the number one sport;
Americans are everywhere working on projects to help the people. Nica’s
want to be part of an American community much more so than a Chinese/American
The tricky part is Daniel
Ortega. He became the face and the leader of the Sandinista's during the
revolution. He is a huge public figure. At the time of the
revolution he was a communist and a true revolutionary. We probably drove
him and definitely the people away from the US with the Contra's. It is hard to
argue that the country did not need a change in government. The Somoza
family and government had become very corrupt. They were not worth
defending. They truly had no legitimacy with the people and by most any
American standard.
Here is a little history I had not
paid attention too, post the civil war. Ortega and the Sandinista’s won in what the observers said were “free. Fair
and hotly contested” elections. After
two terms Ortega said it was time for elections. From what many tell me,
they say he thought he would be easily elected again and was surprised when he
lost and Nicaragua elected Violeta Chamorro as the president. The real
test came and he actually turned power over to the new government. This
happened two more times. There were three non Sandinista
presidents. It sounds like most of them were not very effective.
Then in 2007 Ortega was elected again. This time he pivoted to the
center. He denounced some of the rhetoric, embraced the church and loosened
some of the business regulations. He was
changing from the firebrand communist to a socialist. The realist says
this is because now he was rich and had every economic reason to see Nicaragua
grow. Whatever the cause, there was a change.
Fast forward to today. The
government is still corrupt, but the lives of the poor are better. There
is a quasi-truce between capitalist and the government and the country is
growing. It is still poor but the improvements are noticeable. What
remains is Daniel, as they call him here.
He is rumored to be very sick.
His wife has an oversized role in the government. Daniel still likes to
antagonize the US with his "friends". He still cohorts with the worst
of the worst, Chavez (when he was alive), the Castro's while they are clinging
to life and even the Iranians and Putin.
I speculate he does this to add to
his revolutionary street cred. However, to the person, the Nica's I have met
see through this. They say Nica has nothing to gain and nothing in common
with these people. They want better relations with their fellow
Americans, the United States.
So back to my original
premise. While Obama dithers on foreign policy the Chinese are making
great strides in Latin America. Obama does not have the
"credibility" to establish relations with Nica, a la Nixon. So
we need a strong Republican to step out from behind the rhetoric and reach out
to Latin America. We could slow the progress of the Chinese and
strengthen the economies of the Latin countries. This is the ultimate
solution to the immigration problems we face in the first place.
So there is my political rant for
the week. Ortega is no saint. The government
still has many issues. However, Ortega
is old and sick. He has already
rebranded himself once. Why not one more
time? I am sure there are some holes in
it, but I do believe we have neglected, or mismanaged or relations with our
neighbors to the south.
Now is the time to correct it.